How long does it take to send money?
Our transactions are completed instantly. In a few instances, we might have delays due to unforeseen technical issues with our mobile money partners.
How do I know my recipient received their funds?
We send you an email as soon as the recipient receives the funds.
What delivery options do you support?
We deliver money direct to mobile wallets. We have also introduced bill payments for Uganda. You can pay your electricity and water bills in Uganda instantly. We will include more delivery options like Bank Deposit and Cash Pickup at a later stage.
What are your fees?
We currently charge 3.99% of any transaction amount.
What is your current exchange rate?
Our exchange rate is updated hourly and displayed prominently on the website.
What payment methods can I use to send money?
You can use your debit or credit card.
What currency will my recipient receive?
The recipient gets the local currency amount quoted when you’re sending.
How will my recipient know I am sending them money?
In addition to communicating with the sender through email, the recipient receives an SMS when money is delivered.
What does my recipient need to pick up cash?
Your recipient must be a registered mobile wallet user. No additional documentation is required beyond the usual mobile money requirements.
What happens if I provide the wrong recipient phone number?
Remit delivers money to the recipient mobile wallet instantly. If you provide wrong information, the transfer cannot be reversed or re-directed. Please check and confirm the number before making a transfer.
What countries can I send money to?
We currently offer transfers to Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda. We will be adding more receiver countries soon.
How is my personal information protected?
When we ask you for information that can be used to identify you (for example your name, date of birth, address and suchlike) we encrypt the data you give us using a secure connection, which prevents it from being intercepted by a third party. The simplest way to tell if you have a secure connection is to look at your browser address bar; if the page is secure the URL will change from ‘http:’ to ‘https:’ and, depending on the browser you’re using, you may also see a locked padlock symbol.
Why does Remit require me to provide a copy of my ID?
We require an identification document for the security of our customers and to comply with regulatory rules. Upon signup, we will ask you to provide your home address, your mobile phone number, your Date of Birth, and your identification document number. You will only need to provide this information once and your information is secure.
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Remit is a remittance transfer service built by Eversend Ltd that offers real-time debit or credit card to mobile money transfers from all over the world to registered mobile-money users in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda. Remit’s advantage is that it is the fastest, cheapest, and safest way for Africa’s diaspora to send money home.
